

in particular, these:

in gold as well as in black.

$74 and some change for both pair!
i stalked them on the interwebs, i got them off the interwebs, and will have them by the end of next week. this solves the problem i've been having, which is knowing what to wear w/ brown pants (i had been wearing birkenstocks, and not rocking brown slacks at all in this heat) as well as knowing wtf to do when my favorite bare traps wedge sandals finally kick the bucket, which they are definitely about to do.

this is part of my "learning to walk better in tall shoes" movement. you see, blog readers (all 4 of you), i'm pretty graceful barefoot but i can't say i've got the suaveness necessary to glide about in heels or taller-than-tall wedges. so i'm gonna practice. i have two pair of kickass winter-friendly suede heels that i must say i got good at traipsing around in before the weather broke. but i need to feel legitimately confident in what i wear. hence the summer clearance footwear. i'm tryin.

and maybe, just maybe i can pull these joints off once and for all...

shouts to laetiçia for the inspiration.


Toni Campbell said...

i recently started practicing, too. i haven't had much need for heels for the past 10 years or so and have amassed nothing but flats. but in my quest to feel more like a grown up i have started to add more tall shoes. still don't have anywhere to wear them, but you can catch me in my apartment in track pants and stilettos!

sparkle said...

toni, thank you for commenting. i now count you as the FIFTH blog reader.

D.L. Chandler said...

i'm so gay for shoes: www.shoeblogs.com