
i love | i need | i want



trader joe's macaroni & cheese. yes, i am dairy sensitive & bordering on intolerant (HI, BILL!). no, it's not healthy to eat a whole tray of this shit. but i'm pmsing, and i've been really good about my dairy/ starch intake lately. my secret weapon: a sprinkle of garlic powder on it before i mix it up. good god. most creamy, coma-inducing food to yet come out of the crackhouse that my good buddy jill refers to simply as "the joe's." just . . . don't get mad at me if you start tweakin off tj's mac & cheese, okay? all i can do for you is offer to eat the macaroni to allow you the chance to recover.


new balance wr873s.
i need new workout (running/ walking/ traipsing through nyc or philly) kicks. i genuinely believe that these are the ones i need most of all. aside from the fact that the colors are kickass, these'll do everything i need them to. i'm gonna be outdoors mostly, not on a treadmill or elliptical . . . & to top it all off, they're blue and coral. what's fuckin w/ that? honestly. my alternate pair: the w809. but them shits aren't as fashion-forward color wise. lol.


a new dress, or three. these are my top choices (right now, because i haven't seen what old navy's got), from alight.com. i want to have enough dresses in my wardrobe that even in the dead of winter, i'm straight stylin on motherfuckers. besides, any one of these would go damn well w/ the naturalizer kingsleys from last week's love | need | want post. even though the first dress needs an emergency ugly belt-ectomy. i'll find some fabric for that lil thang SO quick . . . plus #18 on my 43things list says very clearly that i want to buy a new sexy bitch dress.

1 comment:

creatrix said...



*huffs and puffs*
*finds composure*

i am VERY saddened and upset.

(my favorite additive is blk pepper & paprika....mmmmmm...)