how do i explain it?
i don't wanna write here cuz i'm busy writing elsewhere. good god.
she am i who came down just now/ and i will never depart from your house/ if you know how to take care of me
i don't wanna write here cuz i'm busy writing elsewhere. good god.
because we have to send him off right.
i'm etsy obsessed, so here's some of the things i've found that make me REALLY happy.
from flytie, the babygirl gathered dress, sweet azul dress, and pop life sweater.
from sew sew suck ur toe, the frida kahlo softie! also, the dia de los muertos softie is awesome.
from my close personal friend mariam at the hand of fatima: a badass lariat necklace, the primp and proper necklace, & roses for claudia earrings.
go check out l'elephant rose! there's going to be a sale on until the 20th, and all new stuff in the store on the 21st.
because i think renee at womanist musings is a freaking genius, i'm sharing her post about her moon time.
finally, a new post at the bliss project, called first things first. :)
11:54 PM
categories creature comforts, pretty stuff, the interwebs, women, work
yet i can comfortably say that i am perfect the way i am. every moment i change, i grow toward the light like a sprout. i am reaching upward continually.
striving toward my own satisfaction is what makes me perfect.
it centers me, gives me my reason for getting up each day, & will provide me with the legacy i wish to leave the world when i die.
i'm not here to lose, & quite honestly, i never have.
9:30 PM
1 talking
categories evolution of thought, liberation, me
how am i gonna be loved and sustained when everyone's either trying to fuck me because it's cute, or make me their healer?
i am fetishized
i am othered
i am dismissed
i am misunderstood
i am desired, yes
i am sexy, absolutely
but what of it when you're trying to get me to explain to you what sex with a woman feels/ looks/ smells/ tastes/ sounds like when it's not about that to begin with?
what of it when you're whispering behind my back to other women that i "just don't know what [i] want," that i'm greedy or confused?
that's the same thing as telling me i'm being picky while i'm in the middle of an allergic reaction to fish.
how do i deal with the isolation that seems to come from being dedicated to being myself?
what do i do when all i want is to be held, and to trust, to kiss & touch & build without being put on stage (or on blast)?
the abundance mixtape by ppp (you may know them as platinum pied pipers).
9:10 PM
categories black folk, crazy ppl make me sick, war, wtf
becoming a quality black woman, by monica @ transgriot.
10:19 PM
1 talking
categories black folk, blogging, culture, go learn something, queer folk, religion, the interwebs, women
it's quite simple:
9:16 PM
categories change, connections, dreams, go learn something, work
peach iced tea
radical women of color
teena marie
growing hair
clean clothes
lace panties
friends who're makeup fiends
neti pots
piercing parlors
grapeseed oil
(link courtesy of jay smooth)
Oscar Grant, an unarmed man, was killed by an Oakland police officer. Here are five things (compiled by Makani Themba-Nixon) that you should do right now to respond to the senseless death of this 22 year old Black man. Video footage of the shooting recently surfaced.
1. Digg the story so that the national media can pick up on it
2. Contact BART Director Carole Ward Allen and demand that 1) the officers involved be taken off duty without pay and charged and fully prosecuted; 2) there be an independent investigation of the shooting that includes a review of training and hiring practices; and 3) BART establish an independent residents’ review board for the police Call her at 510-464-6095 or email the BART Directors at
3. Call the BART police to complain about the officers’ conduct and demand immediate action: Internal Affairs: Sergeant David Chlebowski 510.464.7029,; Chief of Police: Gary Gee 510.464.7022,
Call them toll free at 877.679.7000 and press the last four digits of the phone number you wish to reach.
4. Talk it up on your blogs, networks and talk radio shows (call Michael Baisden 877-6BADBOY or Rev. Al, etc. to get this on the national radar)
5. Stay tuned for other actions, protests, etc., especially if you are in the Bay.
10:49 PM
1 talking
categories black folk, change, crazy ppl make me sick, crime, family, wtf
naming names, dates, times, events, etc.
i just know that militants are not the same as children playing on rooftops.
i know that if neutral parties are telling us that the news stories lie about casualties, & aid groups can't get in, then it is not about anything other than massacre.
women & children
robocalls, telling the ppl that hamas has abandoned them . . .
this is all designed to destroy them, and for what?
to assuage the guilt of the rest of the world for standing idly by when camps were built to kill jews en masse?
to spill blood on land that's meant to be holy? for what?
when they're all gone, what are you gonna do next? start firing at someone else?
the right to exist has nothing to do with a right to destroy other people. i'm sorry.
like i told bfp the other day, i feel more than i think about it & i daresay you're a chickenshit if you don't.
all that academic shit, all the historical citations and shit just give you a reason to be detached from it
because you know you could never sit idly by and watch your children and your neighbors' children die by the hundreds. because you know, full well, that your comfort would no longer matter if you sent your nine-year-old to the store on an errand and he came back to you only in the pieces discernible from the bits of other folks.
public pressure. if you wouldn't dare advocate this shit in your own back yard, don't advocate it in someone else's.
all i want to do is scream because at the end of the day, this is about fighting over land that's important to everyone & really belongs to no one at all.
12:26 AM
1 talking
categories are you serious?, crazy ppl make me sick, war
first, cara @ the curvature's series on yoko ono.
part 1
part 2
part 3
i haven't yet read the whole series, but i'm loving part 1 so far. cara also has generally outstanding feminist analyses of all kinds of stuff, & i really appreciate her writing.
next up: lauren @ faux real has an awesome chicken pot pie recipe! with a few tweaks, this could be adjusted to meet almost any dietary need. om nom nom.
my first exposure to "barack the magic negro," via karas @ postbourgie.
2:30 AM
categories are you serious?, black folk, blogging, connections, crafty stuff, lmao, omi, youtube
i got this video from jo, via a post at dawson's ink. i give thanks for stacey muhammad's project. i'm really quite speechless. teach the babies. save them. save us. & please share this video. peace.
3:17 PM
1 talking
categories babies, balance, black folk, change, creativity, miscarriage of justice, nyc, race, remembrance, video